We are not in this world because God forgot us here. He has set a time and a date to take us out of here. The reason He left us here after we got born again was so we could:
1. Learn His Word
2. Grow in the things of the Spirit.
3. Finally and mostly to bring others to His kingdom

Since, soul winning is God’s number one business. (Luke 19:10, Prov 11:30). And the Bible says the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. We are expected to demonstrate real wisdom by winning souls. Soul winning is not about preaching, it involves so much more:
1. Strategic Prayer; daily travailing for the un-saved and those reached.
2. Equipped with the message of the Gospel
3. Strategic Plans and execution.
4. Follow Through; this involves most importantly VISITATION and others could be phone call, text, mail etc.

A soul winner is a strategist just like Philip in Acts 8:32-35. Can God trust you to do what Philip did? Do you know that God can tell you to go and join a particular company (Chariot)? But of course you can’t go and knock on the door and say, “God sent me to join you! You may be out of the company before you are even accepted! You must exhibit tact and diplomacy, that’s what it means to be strategic.

🔹 I’m vital to the plan of God
🔹 I’m God’s partner in Soul winning
🔹 I’m relevant to the salvation plan of God for all men.
🔹And finally, I’m a business man, I work for the kingdom – as a soul winner.

You must understand that God is counting on you to extend His love and kingdom inherence to the lost souls; by getting them born again and teaching them the principles of the kingdom. 2Tim.4:2 AMP:Herald and preach the Word! Keep your sense of urgency [stand by, be at hand and ready], whether the opportunity seems to be FAVORABLE or UNFAVORABLE. [Whether it is CONVENIENT or INCONVENIENT, whether it is WELCOME or UNWELCOME, you as preacher of the Word are to show people in what way their lives are wrong.] And convince them, rebuking and correcting, warning and urging and encouraging them, being unflagging and inexhaustible in patience and teaching. There is no time for delay, take action and start acting on His instructions now (Mark 16:15-18). Someone desperately need to hear what God has to say through you; because God’s Word in your mouth is God talking.
God bless…